Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Obald saves the world

Oh dear, Oh dear things have gone from bad to worse in the last twenty four hours and Parliament has only been back a day. We are entering a phase where the business of politicking is overtaking the business of running the country. These wastrels will sell their grannies to stay in power and bugger the consequences for the rest of us, the great unwashed, on whose behalf they are supposed to act.

With Philip Field's precipitous departure we find ourselves this morning where Labour is in office but not in power. That this is the case was reflected in the Headmistresses display of insanity yesterday arvo and the Botox and Tooth Whitening lady's glee this morning. Labour now needs the bloody Greens to keep going so God help us all. Jeanette Wrinkly Face says 'We have no intention of bringing the Government down'. Well of course she hasn't, all her Christmases have just come at once. She can get Helen to do pretty much what she wants for the next eighteen months. We already have indications of the insanity that awaits us with her saying we are going to spen $13 million on 'Environment Education'. $13 mill is a lot of money to waste in this way. I would waste it on a DB9 and a 50 foot Assegai and still have lots of change to waste in all sorts of other inventive ways. My method of spending the money would also do as much good for the country's welfare as hers.

The only bright spot is that the Headmistress seems hell bent in making the environment the central plank of her election campaign 2008. Good. That means we have eighteen months to expose it to be the scam it patently is and she will look stupid and won't get re-elected. Then I can claim the $13 mill as a reward for saving the country from being the world's laughing stock. I get an Aston Martin and a flash gameboat, Helen opens a tofu bar in Feilding and everything is tickety boo.

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