Thursday, August 23, 2007


In the absence of any news we are obliged to rehash old stuff. In the case of the Electoral Finance Bill this is no bad thing as it needs to be kept in the public eye and be shown up for what it is until it is kicked into touch. The Editor of the Law Journal got stuck into it yesterday and the Headmistress very predictably got stuck into him. The level of paranoia that this woman suffers from is bordering on pathological. Dare criticise anything she says and does and she is onto you. She wades into the literay doge accusing him of writing a right wing diatribe that is consistent with his propensity to attack her Government at any and every opportunity. She fails to point out that his editorials have been critical of sitting governments when indicated for over ten years which predates the time we have had to tolerate the Wicked Witch of the South and her bunch of sycophants.
Thursday is Garth George Day and even he has to rehash some of last weeks news as subject matter for his piece. But at least he uses the Aussie troops to Kuwait story to good purpose. He points out that people calling this Labour administration 'Centre Left' are quite wrong. They are that in economic policy - well maybe. But in all else they are snuggled up in bed with Trotsky. They will control everything in everyone's life if you give them half a chance. They certainly want to dumb down everything to a level of bland mediocrity, they want to control what you think, they want to control how you spend your money and so it goes on. A lot of people who are too stupid or lazy to read the small print of finace agreements (or more likely don't understand the concept of risk because Helen wants to take all risk out of everything) have been burnt when a couple of finance companies have gone tits up recently. Government reaction? More regulation to protect the great unwashed. Bollocks. We need less regulation in our lives not more. If people come a gutser through their own stupidity or greed (9.25% vs 8.75% - give me break) well tough - look after yourself.
Garth also uses the peurile reaction of SHWBO, Mallard and Goof recently over the charter business to illustrate another truly terrifying mindset we have the opportunity to get rid of one Saturday morning next September. Bloody Helen was quoted as commenting on the lack of communication between her senior civil servants and her ministers. To paraphrase it went something like ' Ministers cannot be held responsible for the mistakes of their civil servants'
Now if that doesn't scare you I'll send you a copy of 'Nightmare on Elm Street'

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