Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Jerry Collins' hair

RH is correct - RMA compliance for an outside dunny. Big projects are a goneburger unless we vote in some people who are prepared to put four million volts through the current way of thinking of things - everythings.

I almost feel sorry for Damien O'COnnor - almost. But he is reaping the rewards (sic) of choosing to throw his hat in with a venomous serpent. He could have remained on the West Coast farming and playing rugby but he decided to better himself by becoming an MP under the Headmistress's patronage. All fine and dandy while things are in the middle of the fairway but as soon as you wander off into the rough just see what the woman's wrath will do for you. Pictures of him in the paper coming through Auckland Airport looking like a reasonable enough sort of a cove - open neck shirt, designer jeans and a blazer. He might as well have been wearing an orange jump suit. As john Armstrong has pointed out, he is on death row and they will strap him to the gurney at the Witch's pleasure. She is toying with him for her own ends (pleasure?).

Why would any bloke willingly put himself through such humiliation? It's his own fault; he got too close to the damned woman. You play with fire getting within a hundred metres of her. Just look what putting his signature in a book next to hers has done to Peter Davies. Her demeanour over declining O'Connor's txt msge resignation (what a total farce) has been chilling. The icy arrogance of someone who has total control over someone else (and both of them know it) is at once wondrous and terrifying to behold. My dislike for the woman is growing at an exponential rate - if that were possible.

A foreign government is after New Zealand's state secrets. Yeah right. What are they looking for? Pavlova recipes? The address of Jerry Collins' hairdresser? DPB application forms? Perhaps they are after our defence secrets. I'm sure the best place to look for those would be the Imperial War Museum and that is in London. Bloody Helen fronts up wearing her SIS hat (all secret squirrel stuff is always surrounded by undefined acronyms - MI5, CIA, SPECTRE, UNCLE etc) and with her grave face on (she doesn't have any other) reassures us, the great unwashed, that there is no chance of the President of China turning up at the next international conference with the top half of his coiffure dyed blond.

I'll sleep easier in my bed tonight.

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