Thursday, December 13, 2007


Life not proceeding in the manner of which I approve at the moment. I am having to work too hard. Today is the third day in a row where I have to apply nose to grindstone after the sun has reached its zenith and it is beginning to take a toll. I have had no time to waste on here for starters. Today will be the worst of the lot with a 'business meeting' from 6 pm to 9 pm. Now this is silliness in spades. I am being lured with the prospect of food and all I can say is that it had better kick off with a pig with an apple in its mouth or I'll be off like a bride's nightie.

Most of this extra travail is at my secondary place of employment, the University and this really is a very strange place. I fortunately am able to plough my own local field using their liveried tractor for the most part and my trips to the main buildings are (mercifully) infrequent.

It really does employ people who wear socks with sandals (and lots of them to boot - pardon the pun) and I have never seen so many bone pendants in my life. It is a place that is absolutely swamped in process - nay strangled by the stuff. There are forms for absolutely everything - which is to be expected I suppose - but most of these forms achieve nothing at all. Best I saw yesterday was a University form pinned to a notice board (as required by regulations) which allowed the consumption of alcoholic beverages on University property. This form was a complete side of A4 and had sections for everything you could imagine that might surround a booze up (although I did not see a section that covered packets of crisps). Very prominent on the list was a section covering the expected numbers of attendees. This was dutifully filled in. Four. Someone had gone through all the process for four people to have a bottle of beer on University premises. The form had been approved and countersigned on top of that. I walked away shaking my head and had a cup of tea.

What does it take for someone to stand up and say 'Enough'. It is the usual black and white answer for a problem that can only be measured in shades of grey. You want to stop fifteen thousand people getting smashed in the lecture theatres and pulling down the clock tower so you get a form for four people who want a quiet beer after work in their office on a Friday night. This is the way of the left and the bureaucrats. They love to impose this upon us because it gives them control. It is bloody everywhere.

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