Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Winston First and the FTA

I have to grudgingly admit that the Free Trade Agreement signed in Beijing yesterday has a lot more positives to it for us than negatives. It has been negotiated by this ghastly government of ours ans I suppose I ought to give them some credit for it. Hell, that grates like sand in a gearbox. SWMBO has done the right thing with the loonies like Keith Locke who have been walking around in their Tibet T shirts by totally ignoring them. There should be a lot more of this. The loonie left tail of this place does far too much wagging of the pragmatic dog thanks to the warped version of MMP under which we have to suffer.

Speaking of which, how totally stupid does Winston now look? His bauble was never more than that but is now a total joke. He is about to vote against the FTA and is the Foreign Minister. I can't think of any country in the world that will not be splitting its sides with laughter. Winston has surely reached then end of his political life. He rolled out that totally idiotic pom immigrant to give his xenophobic diatribe last week. This is standard Winston First MO for election year of course. A bit of racial hatred always gets the grey rinses in Tauranga cooing 'Oooh Winston' and doing their bit for him in the ballot box. Obviously this year even Winnie couldn't justify giving the speech himself wearing his bauble of the Foreign Ministry. No Winston tells his offsider to stick the boot in and gives the ludicrous ideas tacit endorsement by refusing to say anything from within a foreign bar. Oh, and by the way, paid the money back yet, sunshine?

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