Wednesday, December 10, 2008

And just as I was ready for bed....

......I come across this.

I had a quick glance at Whaleoil to make sure all was well in the land of right wing vitriol before retiring to my litter and I come across this lot. I am grateful to the toothed cetacean for the quotes.

Here are some extracts from the maiden speech of Dr Kennedy Graham, a new Green MP. Are you sitting down?

He starts off thus:

Mr Speaker, I greet you and my colleagues in the name of our common spirituality, humbled as we are in the sight of the divine, whatever we each perceive this to be.

Not a clue.

Then we get:

As our materialistic lifestyle expands, our ecological footprint grows ever larger. Humankind today, casting precaution to the wind, is recording an ecological overshoot beyond the planet’s carrying capacity, anthropogenically inducing climate change of unprecedented magnitude and alarming danger. We are drawing down on Earth’s natural resources, borrowing forward on the human heritage, irretrievably encroaching on our children’s right to inherit the Earth in a natural and sustainable state. It is the uniquely dubious fate of our generation to have broken the eternal promise of inter-generational justice.

Bloody hell. We know from his opening that he is as a mad as a box of frogs but there are some pearlers in here. 'The planet's carrying capacity' We live in a wheel-barrow? He's bought the anthropogenic climate change bollocks hook line and sinker - but he wouldn't get his nut cutlet at smokoe if he hadn't would he? 'Our children's right to inherit the Earth, blah, blah, blah'. Please spare me this meaningless crap. I put in the blah, blah, blah to save me having to type sustainableedingbility - oops I just have. And then he finishes this stanza with the tosh about the 'eternal promise of inter-generational justice'. I doubt even he knows what that is - I certainly don't.

Up to flying speed now. Want some more?

Sustainability is the supreme political value of the 21st century. It is not a concept of passing political expediency - a clip-on word for post-economic environmental damage. It is now the categorical imperative of personal behaviour. Individual freedoms are no longer unlicensed, but henceforth subordinate to the twin principles of survival and sustainable living. The political rights we enjoy today are to be calibrated by the responsibility we carry for tomorrow.

A whole chunk about sustainableedingbility. For starters it is not 'the supreme political value of the 21st century'; it is a load of meaningless crap as I have been at pains to point out to anyone who will listen for ages. 'Post-economic environmental damage' That is about the fifth totally unintelligible thing he has said in the last thirty seconds. 'Individual freedoms are no longer unlicensed'. So here we go. A few minutes of bat shit mad ecobabble to get the punters softened up for the real agenda of the watermelons - you will do as you are told. 'The political rights we enjoy today are to be calibrated by the responsibility we carry for tomorrow.' I don't understand that either but judging by its juxtaposition to the previous bit I assume it means you will do as you are told.

That's one of the myriad of troubles with these jokers. The words coming out of their mouths are English but they speak Martian.

There is more but I can't be bothered - you get the idea. It all confirms that this Kennedy Graham is a) absolutely, five star, barking, bat shit mad and b)he is but one of many similar organisms that gather under the Green Party banner and c) if they are not liberally and repeatedly sprayed with Raid they have the potential to be bloody dangerous.

You and I are paying this monkey good money to live in Wellington and bother people in Parliament. We shouldn't even be wasting food on him.

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