Friday, December 8, 2006

NCEA & tinsel

By far the best piece in the rag this morning is on the comments page and is written by the principal of Rosmini Colege in Takapuna. It is a very well balanced critique of the current secondary education sytem with particular emphasis on the examination structure. The current debate is whether NCEA is preferable to an end of course externally marked exam. He clearly points out the pros and cons of both systems (and both have both - NCEA or standards based assessment is not evil) and concludes that the answer is somwhere in the middle. How often in life is this the case? Very little, in my experience, is either wholly right or wholly wrong. We need to take the best from all sorts of different sources instead of saying 'This is the way, the only way and everything else is just plain wrong'. Rarely ssems to happen.
There is a bit about Xmas decorations in UK offices. Nuts and just more of the same silly PC and/or OSH nonsense. Children not being allowed to wear tinsel on their clothes at a Xmas 'no uniform' day as it could be used to strangle other kids, don't put decorations on your computer monitor as they are a 'significant' fire hazard etc. etc.
Same old, same old.

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