Sunday, February 10, 2008

Unemployment is down

Well of course it is as people are leaving the country in droves. The Gummint will herald record low unemployment figures as a result of their far reaching and successful policies. This is absolute nonsense. It is because the workforce is leaving for (mainly) Australia at a rate of one hundred a day. That a vast majority of these people are part of the productive workforce is not tricky to work out. I mean you are not going to get state houses emptying truckloads of beneficiaries bound for the airport are you? Why would they run away from a life sucking on the public teat.

And with what are we replacing these emigrants? The lady who had a go at the 'Take me to Cuba' trick on Friday is what. What a waste of space and a pitiable commentary on the immigration policies of this country. We have to be the softest touch on the planet. She apparently (and I use that qualifier consciously) had a rough time in the Sudan or somewhere a decade or so back and New Zealand gets all sympathetic and welcomes her here under her United Nations refugee commitment or some other such bollocks. For openers you have to look at the wisdom of relocating someone from sub Saharan Africa to the Waikato or the Wairarapa. It perhaps should come as no surprise that since arriving she has contributed precisely zero to New Zealand but on the contrary has done nothing but bludge off society for the entire time she has been here. Her current place on her career path is that she is holding down a position as a long term sickness beneficiary. She has apparently run up a serial criminal record, has imported a deaf sister (who now has to be looked after by some deaf place) and has fourteen (fourteen for God's sake) other rellies clogging up the immigration process so they can come here and also bludge off us.

It has to stop. Take chainsaw to the policies that are forcing useful members of society to flee the country and take flamethrower to our refugee commitment which is importing shedloads of wastrels.

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