Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sue Bradford

Nothing in the paper this morning - almost literally. However I heard that bloody Bradford woman giving a sound bite on the news as I drove to the fields. I apologise if I get the quote slightly wrong, but, on being asked how she felt now that her 'anti-smacking' bill was looking a bit shaky on the votes front she said 'The choice is very clear between giving our children the right to grow up in a violence free environment or giving parents the right to beat their children'

Why do we have to put up with this? This woman and her totally repugnant philosophy have been a carbuncle on this country's countenance since way before I arrived here. As a leader of the Union for the Unemployed she was already a walking oxymoron. Now I have to pay for her peddling her Marxist views to the great unwashed. She is the only evidence that anyone would need to know that our brand of MMP is fatally flawed. The number of people who would agree with any of her notions could probably counted on the fingers of one foot but she is on the cusp of getting one of her most revolting social engineering schemes passed into law. Even if this daft piece of legislation were sensible the vast majority of the country don't want it. That should be the end of it. I hate every idea she stands for with every fibre of my body.

I have been here for twelve years and generally am very happy with my lot in the world. The likes of Sue Bradford and Keith Locke cold be the sorts of thing that persuade me that somewhere else might be a good idea. It needn't be this way. As referred to above they are in a tiny minority. The system has been set up so that a vocal minority has inordinate sway in what goes on. This looney tunes way of running the country has to be stopped and the likes of Bradford and Locke consigned to the role of insignificant trivia, which is what they really are.

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