Thursday, March 1, 2007

Abe Lincoln was right

No time, no time, no time. But..........

B1: Told you so re Al Gores personal power consumption

Opinion Page: Bruce Hucker (vomit) being very defensive of his choice of arbiters who will sit on the stupid billboard stuff. This at the end of a piece by him trying to justify the whole nonsense. Quite a good example of the Photoshopper's art here, though.

Opinion Page: Garth George. If you ignore his anti abortion, anti gay religous tirade (and I can do that) he gets stuck into Sue Bradford's absurd anti smacking Bill with the main thrust of his argument being that despite its merits (or glaring lack thereof) the vast majority of people in the country don't want it. This blindingly obvious truth leads to the jewel of the piece, his take on New Zealand's version of Abraham Lincoln's 'Government of the people, by the people for the people'. He translates this into Marxist Government of Aoteoroa speak thus: 'Government of the politicians (we are in power and even if you boot us out we will return via the list), by the politicians (we know what is best and you will do it even if you don't like it) for the politicians (we will stay in power what ever even if it means compromising anything we may have said to do so).

Very good

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