Monday, April 16, 2007

Plonkers to the left, plonkers to the right..........

I'm trying my best,I promise you, but I keep gettig drawn back to the climate change BS. Bloody Yellow Teeth is at it again. We should all sign a 'contract' with the governmnet to do our bit to save the planet. Like hell we should. We have to commit to only doing the washing in cold water (presumably down at a stream bashing the Karen Walkers with a rock), promise only to buy energy saving light bulbs (presumably on pain of being put up against a wall if you are caught not doing so) and there was some transport nonsense which I assume was walking every where shod in flax soled boots. Even the supporters of the 'man is wrecking the planet' stance wouldn't subscribe to this bollocks, surely. Signing meaningless 'contacts', pledge cards and the like, the left seem intent on ramming home the idea that they regard the proles as a kind of kindergarten class. 'Now we must all wash our hands together and make sure you take your towel off your hook and take it to the bathroom before you leave the classroom. When we get back we are all going to sign a big Happy Birthday card for our Dear Leader Helen so she can gaze down upon it in her dacha in Mount Albert and feel so warm inside that we, her obedient servants, love her so much'. F*** off.

There is a bloke writing about hybrid cars. Ho hum, I had better read this I suppose. Instead of saying that all motor vehicles should be tofu powered this joker actually says that hybrids are pretty much a waste of time or even if they do confer some eco friendly benefit it is not of the magnitude the doomsyaers would have us believe. He then goes onto list a whole swag of minor improvements that might make current cars better - ultra streamlining, recessed door handles, cameras instead of wing mirrors, getting rid of spoliers which create drag and negligble downforce at road legal speeds etc. All sensible stuff. Then he spoils it all and says there is no real pojnt in owning a car that is capable of doing two and a half times the legal speed limit and can get from nought to one hundred in six seconds. He is right of course. The reason I chose the coupe over the soft top of my current vehicular conveyance is that it will do nought to one hundred in 5.3 as opposed to 5.4. There is no point in owning such a car except that it is enormous fun. What a plonker.

About six months ago I was very worried. I was beginning to agree with a few things Rudman was writing. I am now a relieved man. The bloke is a complete tosser and is reassuringly back on form. He goes into bat with the superchargers on (vide supra) for the anti billboard lobby. His piece today is liberally spattered with left wing mantras and I can repair to the fields happy that world order has been restored. What a plonker.

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