Thursday, August 9, 2007

Phil Goff catches fire

What a disappointment. Thursday is Garth George day, a little oasis of right wing common sense in a desert of marxist looneyism, a breath of fresh air amongst the foetid odours that emanate from the Beehive - and he ain't there. Ill? I hope not. Struck down with an ice pick? Surely not. On his hols? Let's hope so and also hope he is not on the Pacific Star.
So that's one avenue of subject material gone and the other obvious topic is still off limits. Hell I would love to have a few hundred words about Buchanan but as I still require employment for a little while yet commonsense dictates that I desist.
John Armstrong then. He is normally the driest of dry sticks but gets almost jocular when writing about Phil Goff and his potential spontaneous combustion in the Nut House on Tuesday. John Key had a go at rebutting some of the peurile antics of the day before when it was his turn at bat yesterday. I really wish he wouldn't bother and encourage the blathering idiots whose only remaining ammunition is personal attack. Key quite rightly opined that the general public has had a total gutsful of this mob and they probably don't care about the nonsense that we have been subjected to over the last couple of days.
Politics New Zealand style has been dragged down to a level that is even lower than that in other countries. We should really be choosing our representatives on matters of substance and not this childish mudslingin. Let Pond Scum, History Man and Spontaneous Combustion Man rant and rave and ignore them. We the intelligent voter can see through it all, can't we.

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