Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Incredible, disgusting, mind numbing - all of the above

Just when I thought the behaviour of the wastrels in Wellington could get no worse Dear Leader, in particular, and History Boy have plumbed new depths. These are depths to which even I did not think they would stoop.

Clark has decided Winston is innocent and has done this without even bothering to look at the Privileges Committee report. Can't be bothered, doesn't need to as she can rely on her senior advisers on the Committee - read bloody Cullen. This is the same damned woman who in the face of the baying of everyone for Peters' head told us all we must await 'due process'. This is done and she doesn't like it so she sticks her fingers in her ears, closes her eyes and shouts Lalalalalalala' until all the nasty people go away. A majority verdict (even criminal courts now accept these) said Winston done bad but not good enough for Helen. He has been proven to have lied not once but on numerous occasions, his best excuse for anything is in the 'dog ate my homework' class, the whole world thinks is a waste of space who couldn't lie straight in bed but all we get from Her Magnificence is 'Move along, nothing to see here'. And she hasn't even looked at the evidence - no time. Too busy going through Key's share dealing records from five years ago line by line. Too busy attacking the structure of 'the process' she was so wedded to a couple of weeks back. The Privileges Committee couldn't give a fair verdict as it was politicised. Too right it was - by Cullen and his NZ First cronies deciding that Winston was innocent come what may before the proceedings even kicked off.

And the upshot of all this farce is? Winston is censured. Well whoopy do. I bet he's really, really put out by that. Gives new meaning to the concept of the damp vehicular transport voucher. The whole drawn out thing has been a charade and it has been done with my bloody money.

You could post a video on YouTube of Winston snacking on babies and Helen would still do nothing. Mrs Obald reckons Dear Leader is scared witless of Winston and I reckon she is right (she usually is). Whatever hold he has over her it concerns more than overdue library books.

I am still unsure whether Key's tactic of not standing toe to toe with the witch is going to pay off. I am sure he is morally right (don't sink to their level of dirty dealing and just get beaten by experience) but whether it is the pragmatic approach is too hard for this simple artisan to call.

We'll know on November 9th, won't we? If on that Sunday morning we are staring down the barrel of a fourth term of the Axis of Evil I shudder to think what perfidy the evil woman can foist upon us before 2011. I can't see myself being allowed to write stuff like this.

I'm starting to get a bit scared.

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