Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The man is a nutter

Now I don't know why I did this but I did. I was given fair warning. At least ten minutes before it went to air I was told that Winston Peters was going to be interviewed live by Mark Sainsbury. But still I watched.

First we saw Winston smirk. A totally inappropriate affect considering the circumstance. Then Sainsbury kicked off by trying to frame a reasonable sort of a stem for his first question. Well that was it and we were off into the parallel universe in which Peters exists. The man is batshit mad. The words coming out of his mouth were English but he was talking Martian. I didn't understand a word of it. We had all the usual Winston trademark tactics. 'You are defaming me', 'Now let me tell you what really happened', 'After the election you will have to resign', 'Let me read you a laundry list' and on and on and on. I don't think he actually answered a single question. He showed not a trace of contrition over the events of last night or anything someone in command of his faculties might have had a stab at. He is quite simply mad.

And people vote for this?

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