Thursday, November 30, 2006

More Green nonsense

Here we go again. Imagery making an impact on the front page for the second day running. This morning it is a woman weraing the 'victim' visage that we mentioned a few days back This one is a ripper - the photographer has got it just right, a classic of the genre. Poor woman has been bumped off a waiting list somewhere courtesy of the latest health sector strike (and there's another mob waiting in the wings when the lab techs have done their dash) 'suffering' form cancer I think; the reporter would be negligent if he couldn't find a cancer sufferer for his story. Without going in to the rights and wrongs of the claims, it just goes to reinforce what a powerful instrument a well placed image is.
It's Thursday and therefore a dose of good old fashioned values from Garth George. He, not surprisingly, spends his entire column getting quite excited about the future of National and, he hopes, the future government under a Key/English stewardship. He espouses their high regard of the value of the nuclear family, that neither has been a school teacher (oh, how true), the merit of working for just reward and that both appear to be intelligent. The latter point by implication, if not spelt out, in contrast to their protagonists of different political persuasion.
This last point is amply illustrated earlier in the paper in the reporting of Key's speech yesterday where he touched upon climate change. This is reported by the Herald as an 'about turn'. No such thing. Jeanette 'where's my Botox' Fitzsimmons hails this as the Nats realising that her stance was correct all along. Stupid woman. If she and all the rest had actually read what had been said they would have seen that it was accepted that the planet is currently warming (which it is) and 'that if this can be shown to be influenced by man's activities' we should do something about it. Only the severely unintelligent would construe that to read as 'John Key now accepts we were right all along.' These are the same intellectual titans who are encouraging us not to visit our relatives for Xmas as this is a threat to the planet on the back of all the carbon emissions produced getting to Aunty's in the Landcruiser. And you voted for these wallies?

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