Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Control, control, control

Control, control, control. We are being bombarded left right and centre with 'authorities' who would control our every waking moment. Schools back today and we are getting another 'safety campaign' (we must be bloody safe) surrounding schools. The tolerance for speed past centres of knowledge has been reduced from 55kmh to 54 kmh. What difference is that going to make except to the public purse? We must be controlled as to how we drive and suffer yet more damned public service ads in all forms of the media. Just count how many adverts you are subjected to daily are about driving too fast, the dangers of climbing ladders, keeping out of the sun, how to behave in a fire and on and on and on.............. Leave me alone and let me decided for myself how far I go up a ladder before donning equipment suitable for scaling Everest.

Individual control is not enough. Business, evil, evil business, must be controlled. Trotsky Hucker wants (and will get) to control the signage all over Auckland 'so that we can be more like Sydney and Brisbane'. What is this clown on? He and his ilk would be much happier if we were all still trading in muskets and mirrors. Sod off all you interfering busibodies and leave me/us alone. If I have a business and I want to put an advertising hoarding on the side of my shop I will decide how big it is and not you, you interfering piece of pondscum.

You may detect that I am in a particularly vitriolic mood this morning. This has absolutely nothing to do with the weather - yeah right.

There is a comment piece by one of the jokers who actually had a part to play in writing the IPPC report on Climate Change released last week. But was it released last week? David Parker seems to think it was declaring the debate is over and all the global warming is our fault and therefore the Governments stupid embracing of all this Kyoto crap is totally justified. But hang on a minute. The writer of this morning's piece points out to the unwary (David Parker) that what was released was merely the abstract. The full report will not be available for several months whilst it is verified and checked. The report itself is written by over 700 scientists a lot of whom having differing views. The abstract is written by a few bureaucrats and politicians who have no differing views and an agenda to market. There is great danger in reading the abstract and jumping to conclusions on that when the real report is probably not going to be unanimous in its conclusions at all. Our correspondent, for instance, has grave misgivings over the veracity of a lot of the science in the report and reinforces the disquiet on basing everything on computer modelling. He points out that a mathematical model for the behaviour of fluid interfaces (e.g. winds, oceans and the like) does not exist and that an American University has offered a milllion US dollars for such a model. It would settle for proof that such a model could even exist. The money has not been claimed. The abstract presents only one side (guess which one) of conflicting evidence when it has to. There is a paper that says that the sun's sunspot activity has not changed since the seventeenth century but several that say it is behaving very differently from the 1600s. Guess which paper is quoted in the IPPC abstract released last week.

I'll say it again and will not tire of doing so. All these prophecies of doom and the blame laying on industrialisation as the root cause of it all is based on assuming very shonky sciencetto be true. It is almost certainly not but at least opposing views should be given a fair go. This is not happening. People are believeing what they want to hear and are blind to anything that does not fit in with their view of things. Even people who are wise enough not believe all this bollocks (like me) are called 'sceptics'. I would much rather be called a realist.

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