Tuesday, February 13, 2007

World Cup & Field

Well they are all back in action this afternoon and we have to watch the odious business of politics again warts and all - come to think of it there is not much else apart from the warts.

Philip Field's name has been bubbling to the surface and it would appear that we will not be able to avoid it again very soon; let us not prejudge that. However the PM has already been putting in a pre-emptive strike distancing herself from him as much as possible in anticipation of the brown stuff hitting the ceiling fans in a big way. I can't find the quote but I recall the words 'unethical and totally reprehensible' being used in his direction. Quite right too. But wait a minute if he is so 'unethical and totally reprehensible' why is the Headmistress still so happy to have this reprobate on her payroll doing nothing. Oh yes, he is doing something, he is providing her with his nasty grubby little vote isn't he. This is hypocrisy on a biblical scale and gives us a reminder of what a totally abhorrant business politics with a New Zealand flavour is. I hate the lot of them.

Pond Scum is back with a hiss and a roar. Piss up and Brewery material when it comes to him and the World Cup arrangements. He heads a whole World Cup Ministry (not far short of the Ministry of Silly Walks on a scale of need) and still they can't work out what to do about hosting eighty minutes of footy. They've had almost two years and they are exactly where they started. I couldn't give a stuff where the game is or whether the seating is temporary or carved out of blocks of granite but just stop farting around and fire up the big yellow earthmovers. All this kowtowing to the residents of Reimer's Avenue and finding more fine print in the RMA to use as a procrastinating stick is making the country a laughing stock. 'We have a flash new stadium (well flashish because the RMA won't let it be real flash) but we have to turn the lights off at ten o'clock so could you please all go home now. Laughable. By the way I think the temporary seats that are now rumoured to be the go are very good idea as they will at least get more use at the Levin Field Days after the FInal has been played than they will if they stay in Sandringham.

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