Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The most stupid man in the world

The only person you can really take stock of in this life is yourself. What other people think is no concern of yours and unless their behaviour impacts negatively on your life in a big way their actions are none of your business. However, that notwithstanding, I often find myself wondering how peopole get through their lives thinking as they do. I would hate to be all sorts of people, and that is not just the obvious candidates - Hitler A., Locke K., Minogue K., - but I also come across the most unlikely people who make think that I would prefer to be in my box than go around thinking the way they do.
An extensive preamble to introduce the total basket case who is arguing against the extension of daylight saving on the opinion page this morning. This blokoe holds a position of some seniority in an educational establishment which in itself is a worry. He wastes a quarter page talking total bollocks about how the extension of daylight saving is going to accelerate global warming. This will be on the back of people driving to work in colder conditions and therefore engines will be running less efficiently and hence push more evil carbon into the atmosphere. And this is just for starters. He then gets the anorak on and starts comparing sunrise times from April as it is now and April as it will be. We have a paragraph or two on the detrimental effect the change will have on kids learning because they will have to go to school in the dark and this will be in a car and not by walking. It is for the most part unintelligible and for the whole part totally bonkers.
This bloke is a sandwich short of a picnic, a stubbie short of a six pack, the lift don't go to the top floor, he's knitting with only one needle. The really sad thing is that he earnestly believes it all. How can anyone go through life so worried about everything? Who gives a rat's arse about the whole thing anyway? You can't stop the sun doing what it will and if someone wants to adjust the country's clocks around the inevitable, who cares? A few extra Bar B Q opportunities and an extra couple of weeks to go gamefishing a bit later is the way I look at it.
Poor sod. I bet he's worrying about the sodium content of his yoghourt as I type.

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