Thursday, May 31, 2007

Power cut off - zounds

This poor woman dying in South Auckland after her power was disconnected (notice I didn't say because her power was disconnected) is a little ripper is it not? Let's get over the facts of the case because we don't know them. I am much more interested in the field day it has given the media. They must think all their Christmas's have come at once. What could be better than a cake where none of the ingredients are missing and even better, are delivered f.o.c. to the front door. Big nasty electricity company that only a week or so back announced profits that would make a strong man weep, a family from the Islands, South Auckland, pictures of the mourning family freely available - there is even footage of guitar playing and singing. Marvellous. We then get the calls for enquiries from all the usual suspects, the Greens, Coalitions for this and that. Yawn, Yawn, Yawn. But it sell newspapers.

Don't get me wrong this woman's probable premature demise is a tragedy and someone has stuffed up royally but I am very sure that the truth should we ever come to find it out is far from the 'Electricity company kills mother of family' that the media would currently have us believe.
Page 2 has Lee from Auckland regional Council taking Hucker to task and accusing him (Hucker) of lurching to the right. Eh? This is a bit like Ronny Kray calling Tony Soprano a big girl's blouse. This tiff of the left in Auckland is centred around water. This has crept up on me when I wasn't looking and I don't really understand what is going on but it would appear that one side is objecting to having justifiable increases in water rates counted as rates increase by stealth. What's the problem - it is. I pay a shedful of rates and my only real objection to that is not what they collect but what they do with that money. If the North Shore spent less on peripheral crap like cultural this and that and spent more on keeping storm water out the sea etc. I would be a little happier. Also I should get a rebate as I get Bushie to collect my rubbish and not the council.
Zinny is called by his brother a 'lucky boy' but I would say 'silly boy' more like. However the best in today's rag is from Garth George.
This is no surprise. In general I like Garth's stuff. He is a good old fashioned, right wing Christian gentlemen. He gets a bit carried away at times like this morning where he wastes valuable column inches pleading for the return of knighthoods but in general he is a breath of fresh air. He lauds the recent opinion pollls hoping that they herald the dawn of a single political party being able to form a stable government after the next election. I agree and mainly for the reasons I alluded to yesterday about tails and dogs. This one party model only works if the party is that of my liking, of course, but I digress. Mr George then highlights the compromises the current hideous administration has to make to pander to minority parties in order to keep them in the tent.
He last mentions the Greens who he says 'are yet to realise that the environment exists for the benefit of mankind and not the other way round'. Good line - I'll file it away for future use.

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