Monday, November 26, 2007

Ozzies turn left

They never miss a trick do they? The rousing of Howard over the ditch has been acclaimed by both sides of the political divide over here as a pointer to what will happen next year. Those who want Helengrad to march on to greater things hail it as indication that the world has seen through capitalist lies and that the way of the left is the only true road to salvation. Meanwhile those thinking people who want pragmatism and vastly overpowered cars to rule the roost say it shows that people get fed up of anything however good it may be and will vote for change however bad that may be. Therefore Helen should be looking at opening a tofu bar sometime next November.

As usual in these attempts to put a black and white solution onto a problem of an infinite number of shades of grey the answer lies somewhere in the middle. I suspect (hope?) that the latter scenario is nearer the truth and next year enough people will have had enough of this odious, all controlling regime we now have and give them the arse.

There is an article by a lawyer on the opinion page of the Herald this morning giving yet more reasons why the hated Electoral Finance Bill should be given the elbow. I've had enough of this. It is patently bad law being introduced for all sorts of vengeful self serving reasons. We all know this to be true. This law is something you do not want? Tough. We are going to get it anyway as they have the numbers to get it through. Today's doges point out that it will likely result in next year being an election campaign run by judges who are unsure as to how to rule on badly written law. If that is what they want they should be happy because that is what they will get.

As usual it matters not that this is not what the rest of us want.

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