Thursday, July 6, 2006

Comrade Carter

Disappointing morning. Apart from that well known pantomime country North Korea making the front page there is nothing at all until we get to the Comments page and then a couple of false starts.
Picture of my mate Comrade Carter (how I wish I could raise my opinion of him to one of scorn) suggests we might be up for a bit of sport but the shot accompanies an article on the twentieth anniversary of homosexual law reform. Who cares? That is one area of wretch Carter's life that has absolutely nothing to do with me and it also interests me less than the Bangladesh football results. Damn.
Below this a headline on 'environmental' stuff. This is more like it. More damp squibs. All about moist homes and asthma, unsanitary water supplies and infant diarrhoeal disease. For the most part factual and for the whole nothing new. Fizzles out mightily.

Never mind, there's always tomorrow.

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