Friday, July 14, 2006


Bit quiet this morning.
Bloody Rudman again. It would appear that his grasp of bacteriology and epidemiology is on a par with his understanding of most of the other things he writes about. I'm glad I now know this as it explains a lot. I'll let some one else tell him the difference between colonisation and infection.
A little bit of global warming this morning. A bloke at a conference in Tasmania tells us that CO2 levels will double or maybe triple in the next week/year/decade/century. A really precise science this, is it not? I mean the difference between doubling and tripling is hardly anything is it? Well the devil is in the detail of course even if you ignore this imprecision. Double a very very small number or even truple it you still end up with....a very very small number. He claims there will soon by shrubbery all over Antarctica, but then shoots him self in the foot by saying it will then be like it was 40 million years ago when presumbaly there was nothing driving around in 5.7 litre cars, burning wood fires or manufacturing cement.

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