Friday, August 25, 2006

More odds & sods

t's all a bit dull at the moment. There's quite a bit going on but it's all same old, same old. Taito Philip Field has got away scott free as predicted. The election spending thing grinds on and is really making no progress - and by no progress I mean the incumbent Government is looking no closer to falling than it was a week ago. I reckon that they'll weasel their way out of this one as usual. What is it with the opposition? I mean they are being fed enough ammunition and they still can't strike the winning blow. They really need to raise their game.
Rudman caught my eye again. This really is starting to worry me. He points out, quite reasonably (see the cause for worry?), that by asking for another 'inquiry' over the rates business the government is really just putting it all in the too hard basket - as it did on two previous occasions in their current tenure. How many times do we have to see an inquiry as a solution for a problem and how many times do we have to be surprised that this provides no solution at all. Well, how the hell could it?
The man in the silly red glasses has a warble today - Friday must be his day. He appears to pick really quite good things to write about and I just wish he wouldn't do it in a way that is presaged by his glasses. He takes the establishment to task over its social engineering/political correctness/bureacratic stupidity (and that is the easiest trick in the world) over this no prayers in primary schools stuff. When I first saw this a couple of days back I just rolled my eyes to the ceiling and reached for another Marmite soldier. Silly red glasses well encapsulates the point that what the PC wallahs are doing is not banning prayers in class but banning prayers they don't like. The bit about it being alright to pray to the River God, the Sky God, the Mountain God but not the God God is very well put in amongst all the silliness. Government sponsored social engineering is jolly bad stuff in any guise and if you need any more persuasion that the bunch of clowns who are increasingly intruding into our daily lives have to go, here is a bit more grist to the mill. Sooner or later one of these small occurences will be the wheat stem that brings on an acute orthopaedic disaster for the camel.

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