Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Unimogs & burqas

If the principles underlying the Field affair weren't so fundamentally important I would long ago have lost interest in this. John Armstrong (Granny's Political Editor) sets out eight - eight for God's sake - alternative scenarios as to where this will go next. All appear to me have a lot more to do with how the bloody government can preserve itself and none of them have anything much to do with the beleaguered wretch doing the honourable thing. Tapu Misa in her weekly comment piece asks us not to tar all Pacific Islanders with Mike Moore's brush. This, you will recall, is of a tribal support of an apparent rogue whatever he does. I normally have a bit of tme for Miss Misa's views but she has me shaking my head this morning as she sallies forth in full apologist mode. 'Some of us think he is a bad hat, honest'. 'But we all really dislike the National Party so much that anything is better than that'. Pathetic. This whole affair is so bloody tawdry and, to me, such a sorry reflection as to where our society has reached in its development (sic).
The poor coroner. The Unimog fell down the cliff and he can find no one to blame. Could this, perhaps, be the first sighting of a thought to be extinct species, the accident? Abonimable snowman seen on Mt. Cook, moa sighted in Takapuna - whatever next?
Auckland Grammar vs Min Ed looks to have a bit of spice in it. I could imagine John Morris and the lefties at the Ministry arguing as to whether the sun rose in the east so a stouch over interpretation of rules is never going to be resoslved amicably. Throw in a bit of excellence, privilege, elitism, fairness and it all comes to the boil nicely. Predicted result - a high scoring draw with lots of yellow cards and season threatening injuries.
Editorial on Clarkson and the burqa which makes some fair points mainly in support of commonsense but never really strikes the killer blow. Disappointing - which sums up the rag in general this morning.

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