Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Odds & sods

The Herald must be desparate - they have printed a syndicated Editorial! Never have I seen such a thing. It is from the Independant and has much relevance to New Zealand society as the state of stormwater drainage in Buenos Aires. The main editorial is about Darryl Hair but one could argue that the issues raised here are of some relevance to us. This is bought into sharper focus as the first letter printed just to the right of the editorials expands on my views on the recent funeral in the Waikato. The author sees the events of the past ten days or so as an example of the media brainwashing us, the great unwashed, with all sorts of culturally correct nonsense. Drawing a bit of a long bow perhaps but it in principal coincides with my view of things. But just to prove that life would be dull indeed if we were all the same the next letter thinks the media coverage of events was all jolly good and conveyed a great sense of national unity.

Not much else new struck my eye really. Rates - ho hum. A school asking for permission to strap pupils - that'll fly, not. Boobs on Bikes cf the Maori Queen as an opinion piece? This, not surprisingly doesn't work.

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