Thursday, December 13, 2007

But there is more

Silly day, part two.

Another of my places of employment (what an itinerant fellow I am) is moving premises because they need bigger ones. A very nice slimming clinic has fallen on hard financial times and so their shed is up for grabs. We'll be in that. Slated to move into the new pleasure palace in March. Now how good is that? Move a whole business, a bit of construction, a lick of paint and be up and running in under three months; and that includes Christmas.

Not so fast says the man with the clipboard. I see you are putting in piped oxygen and suction lines. These are not in the original building use provisions and you will therefore have to go through, wait for it, a resource consent process. You little beauty. You can rely on the Jobsworths of the world to stuff up a good piece of pragmatism at any time or place. What in the name of hades has putting piped gases in a building got to do with managing the resources of anything?

New projected date for moving into the renovated premises? 'We cannot give you a reliable estimate as to when properly approved construction works may commence at this stage of the process' Translation: 'Dunno'

'Sod off'. No translation required.

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