Monday, December 3, 2007

A hiatus in Wellington

There is little that inspires the fingers to trip across the keys at the moment.

We are going to get this hideous electoral finance bill whether we like it or not - and a significant number and calibre of people are in the 'or not' camp. As I have opined before my only real hope of it is that paradoxically this turns out to be good news. It may just be the straw that does for the camel in those who are so blind they will not see. Perhaps the great unwashed will at last say enough is enough. You have told us how to bring up our kids, what to eat, how to spend out money, nicked great globs of that money off us to waste in all sorts of profligate ways and now you will stop us talking.

I was bored in Taihape on Friday night (what else is there to do in Taihape?) and borrowed a biography of Mao Tse Dung from my daughter to while away an hour or two. Mao was not a nice bloke. I only got about eighty pages through a six hundred page tome but the aggressively selfish way of thinking behind everything he did (including handling his mother's death) gave chilling reminders of what we are witnessing from Wellington with exponentially increasing frequency.

I was in Taihape as it was one of my fairly regular 'Wellington Weekends'. I really can't stand the place. It is just wrong. It was a 'glorious' weekend weather wise. Not a cloud in the sky for the first day of Summer and it was still cold. I wore shorts all weekend 'cos that is what you do in December but it wasn't really right. Everyone was attired in summer wear which just served to expose greater areas of goosebumps. The much lauded proximity of all the entertainment spots to each other is in reality just an excuse to gloss over the fact that the place is not planned at all and everything is lumped together in a great glob in the middle. The housing stock is crap and this appear to be being augmented by seemingly endless blocks of architecturally sterile apartment buildings situated 'within handy walking distance of the vibrant hub of Courtney Place' i.e. on top of everything else that is already there. Stupid. But I suppose there is no real choice as the present conurbation is hemmed in by the topography of the area.

The best thing that could happen to Wellington is for the earthquake to arrive. The whole lot falls into the sea and we can start again with a new capital somewhere sensible - like the Chathams. This would be best timed for Boxing Day. 1) My daughters would be safely in Auckland and 2) Boxing Day has a track record for being a popular day for major natural catastrophes.

What good about Wellington?1) See daughters. 2)The drive to get there and back. The hour between Taihape and Bulls through the Rangitikei on an early summers morning with not a cloud in the sky has to be one of the best drives around. 3) Beckham. Eh? It gives me hope that you can make something out of nothing. $1,000,000 a week for being good looking, being reasonably good at footy and having a thick wife. I'm ugly, am useless at footy but have a very smart wife. Therefore I should be able to rake in $333,000 a week by signing shirts in Wellington, right?

I'm not resigning my position in the fields just yet - but there must be a way.

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