Wednesday, December 5, 2007

No way to do things

Leaving aside the substance of the damned Electoral Finance Bill (which is the only right and proper thing to do with it) the disastrous way it is being introduced into law speaks volumes about the Mickey Mouse way this country is run. We are witnessing a vile piece of repressive legislation being rammed through parliament and its wording is being made up on the hoof by a dental nurse. One hundred and fifty amendments to be discussed in a day. I couldn't discuss one hundred and fifty football results in a day and I would like to think I can think somewhat more logically than the coterie of failed school teachers, union leaders and list ne'er do wells that inhabit the Beehive. And to make things worse amalgam woman encourages those that are charged with enforcing this rubbish to 'overlook technical breaches' so it doesn't get too messy when it is all in place in less than a month. Basically she is saying 'Make sure the provisions that kneecap the National Party and give loads of centrally supplied dosh to the Labour Party are vigourously policed and ignore the megaphone on street corner stuff'

You wouldn't run a corner dairy like this let alone a country.

John Boscowan who is the public face of opposition to the EFB was accused in Parliament yesterday of being a poodle of the Business Round Table. Hardly like being a member of the KU Klux Klan I would think but no matter. John replies that although he is an associate member of the Round Table he is receiving no funds from them. I believe him but I also couldn't give a stuff if they were funding him. I am a full playing member of the North Shore Golf Club and a member of the Whangaroa Gamefishing Club. I am receiving no funds from either to write this blog.

You can believe me or not and I don't care either way.

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